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message_struct Struct Reference
[Ab protocol internals]

Structure used to store incoming and outgoing messages. More...

#include <ab.h>

Data Fields

unsigned char * txt
 The pointer to the actual message contents.

unsigned char len
 The message length (not longer than 255-DEFAULT_HEADER_SIZE).

sem_t sem_ack
 Linked list: points to the next element.

Detailed Description

Structure used to store incoming and outgoing messages.

Definition at line 167 of file ab.h.

Field Documentation

sem_t message_struct::sem_ack

For use with synchronous message sending, this semaphore will be posted when the message is acknowledged

Definition at line 176 of file ab.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sat Mar 12 16:12:58 2005 for Alternating Bit by doxygen 1.3.3