The Actors

3 categories of players are acting in ClassicSys :


Anybody (or machine) can be an end-user by requesting a secret PrivateKey to the appropriate Trust Authority (see below). This secret PrivateKey is the kernel of ClassicSys and gives access to all applications and services connected to ClassicSys.

For example, this secret PrivateKey allows the end-user to generate the necessary SessionKeys for Email, banking, etc...

Every end-user is identified by a public ID-number and doesn't know it's own PrivateKey.

Trust Authorities (TA)

ClassicSys is based on the usage of secret keys. The aim of the Trust Authorities (TA) is to distribute these keys using unprotected communication channels.

ClassicSys was developed in such a way that every country, or every homogeneous juridical zone, can establish its own TA, independently of what is done in the other countries. Nevertheless, all the existing TA's can work together, enabling international communications between end-users. All the TAs act on the same level.

TAs never know the content of the PrivateKeys they distribute.

National Security Services (NSS)

Every country has its own National Security Service (NSS). In terms of a ClassicSys actor, the NSS will only exist if legally requested by the competent national Authority (Governments, ...).

In special cases (to be strictly described in national laws : terrorism, serious crime, ...), a NSS may need to know the content of suspect messages. The appropriate TA will give it enough information to be able to reconstruct the necessary SessionKeys (without knowing them), and so, decipher the suspect messages.

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