Installation of ClassicSys

The installation of ClassicSys consists of installing a PrivateKey for an End-user.

PrivateKeys allow end-users to compute all needed SessionKeys used by all applications using cryptography (Email, banking, voting, ...).

The end-user contacts the appropriate TA (i.e. the TA of his country) who registers necessary details (name, address, phone, email, ...). This information can be checked by the TA if wished.

In return :

It's important to note at this stage that NOBODY knows the PrivateKey of the end-user. The PrivateKey is reconstituted and recorded in the end-user hardware in such a way that it is impossible for humans or machines to get it out.

In a "high secure" version of ClassicSys, the PrivateKey is hidden in an hardware component. This guarantees 100 %, that nobody, even the end-user, has access to it.

A software version of ClassicSys is also imaginable. In which case the PrivateKey must be hidden somewhere else, with the risk that somebody else could find it ...

Click here for more details.

Click here to discover the Email Application.