Gregory Seront
Position: Research Assistant at the
Département d'Informatique, at the
Université Libre de Bruxelles Biographical Sketch:Grégory Seront received his "Licence en Informatique" from the ULB in 1991. Ever since, he has been a research assistant at the Département d'Informatique, spending half of his time directing the exercises of various courses such as Algorithmic, Software Engeneering and so on. The rest of his time is devoted to his PhD research. His dissertation was made under the direction of Huges Bersini researcher at the IRIDIA. It dealt with the experimental study of a metaphor taken from the Imune System applied to optimisation problems.Research Interests:My research interests are mainly in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). My particular research in this field is dealing with Evolutionnary Algorithms, a model of Artificial Darwinian Evolution applied to problem solving and optimisation.I am currently working on Genetic Programming, the synthesis of programs by Artificial Evolution. Papers and articles available:Abstracts of my recent papers.
First Contest on Evolutionnary OPtimiSationI am also one of the organisers of the second International Contest on Evolutionnary OptimiSation (2nd ICEO).
Interesting Sources of Information
About Evolutionnary Computation
Abstract of my papersIn search of a good cross-over between evolution and optmisation, G. Seront, H. Bersini, Published in Parallel Problem Solving from Nature 1992S.T.E.P.: the easiest way to optimise a function, S. Langerman false Swarzberg, G. Seront, published in IEEE-ICEC 94 External Concept Reuse in Genetic Programing, G Seront, published in AAAI-GP 95 Simplex GA and Hybrid methods, Seront G., Bersini H. in IEEE-ICEC 96 Fitting Phase Type Distributions via a Genetic Algorithm, in Orbel 11, 1997 This page has been accessed times since the 16nd of February 1996. Bart offers you the time |