ClassicSys - Email
Distribution of national SessionKeys

The following steps must be executed to create Alice's SessionKey to Bob :

  1. Alice asks the TA for a SessionKey giving the ID-numbers of the sender (herself) and the receiver
  2. based on these information, the TA constructs a stamp (ID sender + ID receiver)
  3. the TA encrypt this stamp with his PrivateKey to generate the SessionKey from Alice to Bob, Kses
  4. the TA reconstructs the PrivateKeys (and inverse ones) of Alice and Bob : KAlice, K-1Alice, KBob, K-1Bob
  5. the TA computes the SessionKeys (direct, inverse, inverse complementary, and inverse of the inverse complementary) : Kses, K-1ses , Kcomp (=[11...1] XOR K-1ses) and K-1comp
  6. the TA sends 4 different encrypted blocks to Alice :

(*) Of course, knowing the ID-number of an end-user, the TA is able to reconstruct his PrivateKeys (direct and inverse keys). This is done internally in a way that they are not accessible to humans.

What are these 4 blocs for ?