ClassicSys - Email
Distribution of international SessionKeys

The following steps must be executed to create Alice's SessionKey to Bob :

  1. Alice asks her TA (TAAlice) for a SessionKey giving the ID-numbers of the sender (herself) and the receiver (Bob)
  2. based on this information, TAAlice constructs a stamp (ID sender + ID receiver)
  3. TAAlice encrypts this stamp with his PrivateKey to generate the SessionKey from Alice to Bob (Kses)
  4. TAAlice sends an encrypted message to Bob's TA (TABob) containing the SessionKey, Kses, and the stamp
  5. in return, TABob sends the third and fourth blocks which Alice needs, to forward later to Bob.
  6. TAAlice reconstructs Alice's PrivateKeys (direct and inverse) : KAlice, K-1Alice
  7. TAAlice computes the SessionKeys (direct, inverse, inverse complementary and inverse of inverse complementary) : Kses, K-1ses , Kcomp (=[11...1] XOR K-1ses) and K-1comp
  8. TAAlice sends 4 different encrypted blocks to Alice :

Alice and Bob use the blocks as if in a national environment :